I would recommend you tracking your workouts as it can provide several benefits, such as:

Progress monitoring: When you track your workouts, you can easily see how far you've come from the progress you've made over time. This can help motivate you to continue working towards your fitness goals. It is important to add more weight, sets or reps so that you are challenging your body enough to create a stimulus and therefore giving your muscles a reason to adapt.

Goal-setting: By tracking your workouts, you can set specific and achievable goals for yourself. For example, you may aim to increase the weight you lift or the number of reps you can perform on specific exercises. At JW Fitness we conduct tests every three months which allow members see how far they have progressed. Being able to see those improvements on a regular basis really helps.
Identifying weaknesses: Tracking your workouts can help you identify areas where you need to improve. For example, if you consistently struggle with a particular exercise, you can focus on improving your technique or strength in that area. This can be especially key if you feel you aren’t very good in a particular area. Your progress may be slow here and that can cause you to feel like you aren’t getting better and yet you may have made progress.
Also important to note here is the changes with age. As we get older the potential is we may lose muscle, strength, speed, endurance etc.
This may mean you might not make much progress forwards but in fact remain the same. With every year that passes and you remain the same, that is progress.

Personal accountability: By keeping track of your workouts, you can hold yourself accountable for your progress. By holding yourself more accountable and taking responsibility you start to set your own standards for your fitness. This can help you stay motivated and committed to your fitness journey. The more you learn, take an interest and try to work on your personal weaknesses to make progress the more you will get from the process.
Planning and scheduling: It is important for you to plan and schedule your training sessions. This can help ensure you don’t miss training sessions, keep you on track and ensure that you are making consistent progress towards your fitness goals.
Here are some options you can use to tracking workouts.
You can choose not to track it. This is absolutely fine and completely your choice and as long as you feel you are moving forwards that is great.
You can use a logbook or good old pen and paper. This is a good way to keep track of your main lifts from week to week.
You can use an online tracker or app. This helps keep all your info in one place.
So get to tracking your workouts and see your progress skyrocket.
Looking for a gym that offers encouragement, friendliness and fun? Interested in knowing more about training at JW Fitness? Just fill out the following form and we will get back to you to book your consultation.
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