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Start from where you are!

Writer's picture: JW FitnessJW Fitness

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Today's post is an important one, especially for those just getting into training or restarting after some time away from training.

Too many times now I am seeing or hearing people set themselves completely unrealistic goals. Thinking they need to go from 0 - 60mph straight away. Basically setting too high expectations based on where their health and fitness was 5 / 10 or 15+ years ago or setting goals based on what they are seeing on social media.

It is vitally important to you physically and mentally to forget where you used to be or where others are and focus on where you are right now.

Whether that be your weight, your strength, your cardio fitness etc.

Let’s look at an hypothetical situation.

We will use Gill.

  • Gill is 45 years old.

  • Gill works in an office and spends the majority of her time seated.

  • Gill would like to lose 3-5 stone to lose.

  • Gill has never even stepped foot in a gym and hasn’t done physical activity since school.

  • Gill has constant back pain that she has had for 20 years.

  • Gill thinks pizza is part of her 5 a day due to the tomatoes and sweetcorn

Gill needs to be realistic in what she is able to implement and ultimately achieve over time. Setting goals such as those below would require such a dramatic change that it is unlikely Gill will be able sustain the changes necessary.

  • Lose 3 stone in 2 months

  • Join a gym and go everyday

  • Perform high intensity training because that is what is touted as the best thing for fat loss

  • Cut out all carbs (basically all her favourite foods gone)

99% of people just would not be ready for that drastic a change and Gill is one of the 99%

So what might be a better option for Gill -

  • Lose 1 stone in 8-12 weeks. Allowing Gill to implement sensible, achievable habits and make them a part of her life.

  • Buy a steps tracker and set a step target to increase daily movement, tracking regular and consistent movement.

  • Join a gym a go 2-3 times per week performing a mix of weight training and cardio (Gill could speed up her gym progression by hiring a good personal trainer).

  • Pick 1 meal across the week to improve and to plan and prepare for. For example if evening meals are a mix of microwave and take aways then make this the first meal you solve. Plan and prepare evening meals and learn to cook so that you can appreciate the food you eat more.

Gill may be following people online who are giving her the message that she should train everyday/plan and prepare every meal/ perform H.I.T etc

If Gill isn’t ready she will always fail and feel like a failure. Gill will lose belief in her own abilities to achieve her goals and before you know it Gill will be 60 years old 2 stone heavier, crippling back pain but the worst part?

  • Gill can’t play with her grandkids

  • Gill gets out of breath walking up the stairs

  • Gill can’t make the 10 minute walk to the shop without stopping for a breather

  • Gill can’t do any of the items on her bucket list

  • Gill has given up on trying.

I beg you not to be Gill.

Start from where you are, with what you currently have and can handle. No matter what others may tell you, the best thing is you have to find what will work for you.

After all, you know your body, your mind and your life much better than anyone else. Use that knowledge to set the right goals for you.

Focus on progress over perfection and keep focussing on taking 1 step forward.

If you are unsure how to do it, don't be afraid to ask for help.

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