Today you are going to meet member Vicky.

Vicky has been a great member of JW Fitness since the beginning and we look forward to seeing her continued progress.
Please explain a little about yourself and why you chose to train with JW Fitness?
'I came to JW last year because I wanted a fresh start with my training. I had lost confidence and motivation training by myself and given up. After 8 months of no exercise, I noticed I was finding it harder to keep up with my little boy and I wanted to feel strong and healthy again. I knew from having a PT before that having someone waiting for me at the gym was a good motivator so I got in touch and I haven’t looked back.'
What if any, were your reservations before starting training with us at JW Fitness?
'I was worried there would be a heavy focus on fat loss and I would be told what I could and couldn’t eat. I dreaded the idea of weigh-ins, body photos and measurements. I wanted a more balanced approach that is realistic to my lifestyle.'
How did we help you eliminate any reservations you had?
'I was listened to and felt supported. I know for a fact that if I had a fat loss goal I would get the best support from John and the team but I was reassured that is in my hands. Instead the focus is on bringing out the best in you rather than reducing you to your smallest.'
What are your biggest achievements since training at JW Fitness?
'I have tried exercises I’d never done before, hit some personal bests with some of my lifts - 112kg in squats and deadlifts! More than anything I think I have grown in confidence generally from being a member at JW Fitness.'
What keeps you coming back to train with us? 'It is just part of my week now! I have never dreaded coming to a training session as everyone is so friendly, welcoming and fun. Sometimes I have ached due to laughing in sessions as much as the exercise! ' If you would recommend us to your friends and family then please explain why below.
'I would recommend joining to anyone irrespective of their reasons. It is an inclusive community where sessions are planned and adapted to include everyone’s abilities and training needs and you really do help everyone progress with their goals.'
Looking for a gym that offers encouragement, friendliness and fun?
Interested in knowing more about training at JW Fitness? Just fill out the following form and we will get back to you to book your consultation.
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