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10 simple thoughts on training

Writer's picture: JW FitnessJW Fitness

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Today I share with you 10 simple thoughts on training and fitness.

Often training is made more complicated than it needs to be.

Whether it be due to the mixed messages you receive on social media, you program hopping from one thing to the next or all the online coaches trying to sell you the dream that you can reach your goals but still continue to eat and train how you like.

The fact is improving any area of fitness is more than a 6 or 8 week program.

It is a drive from within that has a higher purpose than being able to post a picture of your abs on Instagram.

When I use the term fitness I use it to incorporate all elements of fitness that you may participate in. Whether that be strength, endurance, flexibility etc

1. Fitness is not aesthetics

Too often fitness is confused with aesthetics or the way you look. You may have a six pack but that doesn’t make you strong, it won’t make you a good runner and it does not mean you can move well. It is merely a sign of his leanness which will have more to do with your genetics and nutrition.

2. Fitness is a never ending journey

No matter your goals in fitness they are an ever moving target. As your training journey progresses you will evolve in your thinking and training.

You will set goals, reach them and immediately set a new goal to aim for. You will never be too strong or too fit or too fast.

3. Fitness is not health

Being fit and training regularly is a great habit that may help support your health. However it doesn’t make you healthy.

Don’t confuse the two.

4. Getting fit takes time

Once you start training you will notice fitness improvements quite quickly. However, if you want to take your fitness beyond average you need to accept it takes time, patience and most of all mastery.

Practice and improve.

5. Fitness takes discipline

To improve in any area of fitness takes discipline. The discipline to do what needs to be done even if you don’t really feel like it.

I believe this is a key factor in why some succeed and others won’t.

The bonus of this is that developing a stronger discipline for fitness will have transferable skills to other areas of your life.

6. If you have no specific goal to train for, add more variety and make your training more fun.

However, If you want to be great at your sport you must be willing to complete the same training over and over again. Repetition is key for mastery. This means you will have to endure boring training.

7. Fitness does not need a gym

A couple of the most common reasons for people not training are:

  • Not having the time to go to the gym

  • Not having the money to pay for the gym

However , you do not need a gym to start. You can get a great training effect from your bodyweight at home and it only costs you time and effort.

If you don’t know how to do this yourself, seek out a professional who can help you.

8. Fitness needs progressive overload

In order to improve your fitness you need to create progressive overload. Basically you need to run further or faster, lift heavier or more reps, reduce rest period etc.

You must put the work in if you want too create and adaptation.

9. There is no cheat code or hack to fitness

There is no cheat code or hack for your fitness. You either do the work and reap the rewards or you don’t. It is that simple and there is no way around it.

There is no filter for fitness.

You can either lift the weight or you can’t, you can run for the time or you can’t.

10.There is no better investment you can make

What you do today is an investment for tomorrow. Looking after your body is the most important investment you can make. Don’t put it off.

Think of every training session you do as being a payment into your health pension.

Interested in knowing more about training at JW Fitness? Just fill out the following form and we will get back to you to book your consultation.

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